Sunday, December 14, 2008

Catch up, again!

Of course, it is December and things are busy, busy, busy. So, I will try to catch you up on the latest goofy antics of my boys.

A few weeks ago, youngest had a cool idea for Mommy to play light sabers and dinosaurs. What does this entail? Well, youngest lines up his dinosaurs while Mommy and youngest take the light sabers and knock all of the dinosaurs down. This conflicts me on two levels: first of all, there weren't light sabers during the dinosaur times. I know, it is a technicality. Secondly, it is a little violent. I do let the boys play light sabers, only because it isn't guns or looks like a real gun.

Today was the Christmas pageant and our church. Middle boy was in it last year. I felt as a good board member of the youth advisory board, I should have at least one child in the play. Oldest couldn't handle it, youngest would have goofed off and middle son said he didn't want to do it. So, here I am, the Sunday School representative (the Sunday School put on the play) and I have no one in the play. I am a bad member of the board. The redeeming thing is on the way out, middle boy said to our Pastor and the Family Minister "Merry Christmas' without balking and said it in a booming voice.

The other day, I went in to work in middle son's 1st grade class. The teacher (who knows that I used to be a teacher) had me helping the groups with their reading (they switch rooms for reading class, so some of the students are not in her class). I realized that I haven't been out of the teaching profession WAY too long. The kids she has are the slightly below grade level kids. I am convinced there are a couple with special needs. I did my best to teach them something 'a different way' to help them understand how to do their work.

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