Monday, December 22, 2008

Homebound Hell: Day 8

Yes, I am in Homebound Hell. We are surrounded by a foot or two of snow. We've had snow since last Sunday (so eight days ago). The only day I have been 'out' is last Tuesday, when there was school. Other than that, I have been with my 'little darlings'. They have played in the snow, run amuck in the house (which irritates me to no end).

Over the weekend, we had a big wind storm in addition to the snow. This has created drifts or what the boys call, "hills" in our backyard and front yard. Oldest loves going in the backyard and running into the hills and making snow angels. Middle boy loves to do the same. These drifts are probably about several feet high.

When they are not running around outside, they are getting on each other's nerves inside. They do this via the game 'keep away' as in 'keep away' each other's hats, so that they have to run and get it (screaming of course) from each other. Of course, this is unacceptable in my world and they know it. In fact, last week, they had a triple time out (all three had a time out at the same time because they were just being crazy monkeys).

Today, I sort of 'hit the wall' as far as being in the house so much. It's not that I don't love spending time with my boys, it's that I have had too much togetherness. Usually, I just send them outside, but we can't with all of this snow.

I am trying to find the joy in this situation. I know that it is a rare chance to spend just a few moments with my boys. I know that it is a rare opportunity to do something just as a family. Unfortunately, I am a little tired and having trouble with that. I am also having trouble trying to do 'the perfect' Christmas. Not that Christmas has to be 'perfect', but that things are changing and it is hard to not necessarily 'meet' the expectation, but to not be too disappointed.

I know that family is what is most important at this time of year, so I am trying to focus on that. I do have a wonderful life and I am grateful for that everyday. I just need to focus on that 'little' bit of optimism and make it grow like I usually do.

Sorry this entry is a little downer. I hope you all hold those dear to you a little closer. They may make you nuts, but isn't that good? That means that you love them.

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