Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Another Snow Day!

This morning, our district cancelled school because of the threatened snow storm (or as the television stations have been calling it, "Arctic Blast").

As the snow began to fall, the boys were very excited. Youngest kept asking me, "is it Christmas, yet?". I think he associates Christmas with snow, which is very smart of him.

About 11 a.m., oldest came in from being outside and said, "Momma, I lay down like this (and he laid down on the ground) and move your arms like this (as he was making a snow angel motions)". I asked him, "who taught you that?". He told me it was his OT and his ST (I am not quite sure which).

Then, middle boy and youngest decided that it would be fun if THEY did it. So, they bundled up themselves and headed outside and made snow angels. Oldest had fun showing the others how to do it. And, they did.

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