Sunday, November 30, 2008

Decorating the Christmas tree

It's hard to believe that here we are on November 30th, we are decorating the Christmas tree...It's not even December!

Hubby took the three boys to the boy scout lot (we have to support the boy scouts, with middle and oldest being cub scouts!) in our town. They came home with a beautiful tree....hubby had already gotten out of the ornaments, so he was ready to lead the way....

When they got home, they took the 'traditional' picture with the Christmas tree (in front of the minivan on the street) with all four boys. Then, we got the tree in the house, got the tree in the tree stand and hubby put the lights on the tree and the whole family got involved putting ornaments on the tree.

We have a tradition of getting an ornament of something that they have done this year. So, obviously, youngest has the fewest ornaments (some years, the boys have gotten more than one). He was the most enthusiastic of all. He wanted to put all of the ornaments on the tree if he could. Middle boy helped youngest put the hooks on the ornaments that didn't have them and let youngest put some of his ornaments on the tree. Oldest got into it all and had a great time putting his Pixar ornaments on the tree (usually, he doesn't let us do this).

Our tree looks beautiful, although, there are a couple of spots that you can tell that youngest put the ornaments on the tree (they are close to the bottom), but that is okay. Middle boy tried to put most of his "Star Wars' ornaments up so youngest couldn't reach them.

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