Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Picture day!

Today was youngest's first picture day. He assures me he DID in fact smile (and showed me to prove it). The principal told me he did well (she knows me from last year when I had oldest and youngest there). It's interesting...I always said, "I will never send my kids in screened shirts and sweats for picture day', but what do I do? You guessed it.

On an unrelated topic, yesterday, hubby took youngest and I out to lunch (to Mcimins aka McMinimins). Youngest kept telling me all the way there, "It isn't Red Robin" (most of you probably know why...we have been going to RR for over a year now because oldest has been insisting to go there....we even have a special waitress who can keep up with the group). It's funny, because it is the noisiest restaurant on the planet, but it doesn't bother him.

1 comment:

The Doctor said...

What's funny is that I tried to get him to look at a boat out on the Columbia River and he was more interested in a fly that was on the outside window. Finally, he said "There's the boat" and went back to looking at the fly.