Thursday, September 18, 2008


Yes, it is that time of year again when this Mommy searches high and low to find the 'perfect' costume for my persnickity boys. This is because I can't sew. Trust me, you don't want me to sew. All I will say about my sewing ability is that in the 8th grade, I took Home Economics. The cooking half of the semester I aced. Every Friday night, I would make something new (for extra credit nevertheless), I still remember making homemade Frangoes (where is that recipie?). The sewing half was a disaster. Let's just say the teacher gave me an "A" for a shirt (light blue, Brooke Shields pattern) that SHE sewed. She ripped what I did and sewed it herself (I am serious). I DON'T want me to sew your costume. Even when boys have patches to sew on their cub scout shirts, I take it to a seamstress...

I start around August asking the boys, "what do you want to be for Halloween?" so I can start scouring ebay (they are cheaper in August) and stores when they move back to school items out and move in the Halloween goodies.

Middle boy was the first, "I want to be Darth Vader" (he has also decided that next year, he is going to be Boba Fett and the following year, a Rex, the Clone Trooper, all following up to last year's Anakin...notice the trend....I hope I have that order correct or you know I will be in trouble!). By the way, I found a cheap, new Darth Vader. Middle boy has tried it on and he looks awesome!

Youngest boy, I had convinced that he was going to be Thomas the Train, like last year (I had plans for that money that I would be saving!), until he all of a sudden changed and told me, "I going to be Diego (from 'Go Diego Go!"). Fortunately, I found one cheap on ebay. I tried it on him and now he wears it as pajamas and will NOT wear anything else at night.

Now, I am on the search for a Wall-E for oldest boy. His costume is always the most difficult since he always wants a 'random' character. I have found it, but it isn't cheap. He will be totally cute as Wall-E...everytime youngest puts on Diego 'pajamas', oldest reminds me, "I want a Wall-E costume for Halloween".

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