Monday, November 22, 2010

Winter Weather

Well, the winter season has begun. Yesterday, about two inches of snow fell. The good news is that all three boys went outside (the last time we had snow, they did not want to go out or went out for only five minutes) for an extended period of time.

Knowing our district, I was preparing for the worst. Today, knowing our district like I do, even though the snow had melted here, it hadn't on the 'mountain'....well, our version of the mountain. So, school was delayed two hours and a.m. kindergarten cancelled. This was traumatic for me because I was planning on going in to help out with the 'encampment' (trading of goods and such for the Squanto celebration).

Most of the boys did okay with the change of schedule, but Oldest had his moments. He did fine in the beginning and then, his 'internal autism clock' went off ("I have to go to school, I am going to be LATE!"). So, he hugged himself (very proactive of him) and tried to calm down. In the meantime, I emailed his teacher and OT at school and told them about what was happening. Because of the school delay, he was going to miss OT (of course, he knew this because it's a routine thing). He kept saying to me, "I want to see OT Laura!".

OT Laura, being the fabulous OT she is, fit him in to, I think, her lunch hour. Bless her heart. She worked it out with his general education teacher and he was able to go straight to OT this morning. His general education teacher, being the former special education teacher she is, emailed me back (before I knew that OT Laura was fitting him in) and told me to tell him that it was all going to be okay and that teachers are a little 'off', too, today and to just be calm and that they will work together.

Love them. Tonight is another winter storm, I expect Youngest's Thanksgiving play will be postponed until next Tuesday and I'll go through another morning of Oldest being 'off'. We'll work through it as we always do. The teachers in this district never cease to amaze me at how generous of a spirit they are. We are truly blessed :)

By the way, Oldest had an assignment last Saturday from his special education teacher. He and her looked through the menu of Red Robin and found some new foods he'd like to try. I am not sure he really WANTED to try them, but he was told he had to try something new. So, he tried an onion ring. The first one he nibbled at and then decided he was full (totally fine) and then after the chips/salsa showed up, he decided to try another! He ate the whole thing (minus the onion part, which is fine, neither one of the other boys like that, either). Then, last night, his favorite server, Whitney, emailed him congratulating him on trying something new. She told him how proud she was of him. Whoot. Hopefully, that will encourage him to try something next week!

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