Monday, November 8, 2010

The First Amendment Discussion at 6:20 a.m.

So, this morning (a Monday morning) started out very boring. I did get up a little early, which was good because I was busily unloading the dishwasher and watching "The Today Show" online when my Middle Guy came over to me and asked me, "Mom, can I bring my Bible to school to read?" Yesterday, he got this great Bible, the Adventure Bible. On a side note, it is really well done for kids. It has little 'activities' for kids, great explanations, etc. He got it from my church (all 3rd graders get one before their First Communion year). Since yesterday, he has been reading the Bible, from the beginning, starting with Genesis. So, the discussion on the First Amendment began....

Him:"Can I bring the Bible to school?"
Me:"No, you can't bring the Bible to school".
Me: "Well, I'll go to jail" (this is what I tell them when they tell me they don't want to go to school, it could apply here, I could go to jail if someone complained....)
Me:"Well, you can't bring something from Church to school".
Him:"Why? I just want to read it when I would be reading a book".
Me:"Well, there is a rule and you can't bring something from church to a school".
Me:"Well, the Bible is a book like from the church and school is like the state and there is a rule that you can't bring something from church to school".
Me:"There is a rule called the First Amendment and the Bible is something from Church and the school is like the state and there is a separation of church and state".
Him:"Okay. Maybe, I can bring the school to my church and then I can bring my Bible to school".

Who knew I was such a Constitutional scholar at 6:20 a.m. on a Monday?

On a side note, this afternoon, I told Youngest, he could only have one bag of chips (when he brought the second bag and popped it and I said no, he got naked...I had to change his pants because he had Cheetos on his pants, but he stripped down to his undies after his tantrum). What getting naked has to do with chips, I don't know. Maybe, today I am living in the Twilight Zone.

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