Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Misc "Catch Up" Part Deux

So, as I mentioned earlier, my Youngest son asked the priest on Sunday if we could cancel church....well, I forgot to mention that he was fussy all during Mass. The priest said to The Hub on the way out, "I guess you are allergic to priests".

Today, I opened the box of goodies from my favorite bath store. It was full of fun Christmas-y bath items (hand soap figurals, plug ins, etc) and I asked the two younger boys to 'decorate' the bathrooms....which they did happily. I let one of them take the plug ins and the other take the decorative soap figurals. Christmas is coming!

Finally, Oldest was struggling with the information for his presentation on the Aztecs (he had to talk about the clothing that they wore). I was a little concerned. However, at 5:30 this morning (which is his usual wake up time), he walked down the hall and gave his whole presentation. Obviously, I didn't need to be concerned. His teacher wrote me a note that he did a fabulous job today on his presentation. Yey!

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