Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Yes, I promise to be a better blogger. So much has gone on and I will try to add some tidbits as something reminds me of it....

Today was the boys' first day of school. My Oldest dude is in the fifth grade (with trying inclusion, nevertheless!), Middle Dude is in the third grade and Youngest is in kindergarten. Yes, as I joke, I have two upstairs and one downstairs at the school.

Well, since only my Youngest is home (and I haven't gotten the 'straight scoop' from him, fully, yet). He did declare that "I love kindergarten!" when he got off the bus, which was 20 minutes late, of course. He said that he and a friend had to go to the office and he hung out front of it (I still don't have the skinny on that). He said he wasn't in trouble, but he doesn't know why he was there. He said he decorated gingerbread men with one m and m eye. He also said he had art (which I think was a coloring page) and then he made a book "Kindergarten Is". He still hasn't read it to me, so I don't know what kindergarten is!

He was so cute this morning sitting on the big bus next to my Middle son, waving to me with a smile on his face. He said he liked the 'big bus' (He is used to the 'little bus'). He said he played with his new friends on the playground, but today, he saw a movie before school because it was raining. I tell you, that has worn me out just thinking of it.

More details to follow....

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