Friday, September 4, 2009

First Week of School

This week was the first week of school. We had three days before the Labor Day weekend. So far, everyone loves their teachers and each has a good friend in each of their classes. This is good....that helps to make everyone want to go to school.

Some highlights: Oldest got to take his Disneyland photo album to school. They were talking about their summers and he shared with his friends. He also shared it with his teachers from last year. He made the photo book all by him self (The Hub supervised, but really didn't do much). Oldest picked the pictures, placed them in the album and typed the text.

Middle boy had the same teacher from last year and he has his BFF in his class. He told me he is sitting in between two girls (and then proceeds to blush profusely). He likes being in the same class. His homework from 'back to school' night was to put things that represented what he did during the summer....he took a map of California Adventure Park (next to Disneyland), Disneyland, the Fish Hatchery and goggles (he took swimming lessons).

Youngest is at the 'special education' preschool. So far, only the 'typical' kids are there. There are about 13 kids (so far, more next week of special needs kids) and he loves it. He has told me on the first day, "I didn't make paper, I made play doh" (he attends Papermaker preschool) and that on the second day, he made a "Hey, Diddle, Diddle" book and he told me, "I made paper!". He also used scissors (which they are working with him on) and today they read books about vegetables!

Today, The Hub took the day off. He helped me pick up Youngest and then we went to Who Songs and Larry's (we had a gift card so it was cheap!).

This morning, I got to see my Mom's Club friends for Mommy Time (for moms with kids who are in school) and yesterday, I walked with a friend of mine.

This has been a 'perfect' week (well, minus the bus problems).

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