Thursday, September 10, 2009

First Official Week

Well, they have been in school a whole week (day six here we are!). Oldest still hasn't gotten to school on time (and he's getting home early, what's up with that?). Other than the bus issue (as I have aptly named it), things are pretty smooth. We have some other 'administrative issues' with the new teacher, but we are working on getting him to school (and home) on the right schedule first.

Oldest likes school (I guess, I haven't gotten any feedback from him or his teachers...note administrative issue), I think. His best friend is at his school it's cool...he has some other 'typical' friends there, so life is good.

Middle boy loves school. We've already had two homework assignments (one small one and we're still working on a big one!). Middle boy isn't in the 'groove', yet, but he is enjoying his friends....

Youngest loves his preschool. I should clarify, he loves his preschool's playground. And, if peeing in the potty is what he has to do to play there, he'll do that, too. Who would have thunk that would be the motivator for him. Today, he typed his name (all by himself, mind you) on the computer at school so he could play the Mickey Mouse game. Again, who would have thought. He also loves that his BFF is in his class.

So, life is major stresses...just 'bus issues'. And, through it all, my bp is low. So, that's a good thing (as Martha would say :)).

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