Thursday, September 24, 2009

Good Day in My World

Okay, except for the fact that Youngest might now be sick with THE bug....

As I write (and wait for Oldest to help him with his homework), my Middle son is quietly reading his book (yes, I make my son read 20 minutes every day, not just 4 to 5 times a week because I am the Mean Mom) on the sofa. I just found out today that he is in the 'highest' reading group (last year, he missed out on it by a hair, it was too full). He needs a little 'nudge' and will be working on some great new skills. We've already talked about it might be challenging, but we'll work through it together.

Oldest didn't do his work at school before he got to go out to lunch recess. His special ed teacher told him, he could take it home for homework and do it with Mom (he knew he'd get THE lecture, if he did that, so he stayed in at recess and finished his work). Reaffirming that I am the Mean Mom (I am not really, but they have the fear of God, which works). He also gets to try on his Pixar alien costume when he finishes. He also ran into Middle boy at recess and showed him his "Star Wars" library book.

Youngest, well, he's just cute and keeps calling me "Katie". Yes, he calls me now by my first name (which annoys me) because they are learning parents' first names. But, he's adorable and gives the best kisses (nice and wet) and hugs, so he's forgiven.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


My Youngest son, when I picked him up at preschool today said to me, "MOM, I got to listen to the Astronaut!" An astronaut from our hometown had a ham radio conference with the middle school kids in our district. He's currently at the International Space Station and our district arranged for a ham radio conference with him (via Belgium!). They watched the video conference.

Youngest has decided he won't be an astronaut, though.

Here's the links....check it out...the kids' questions are pretty sophisticated considering they are 6th graders....

Part two:

It's under You Tube name: glysdi02

This is doubly cool because not only did my town have an astronaut, but my alma mater (UOP) had it's FIRST astronaut on the last shuttle mission. Whoot! Maybe, that's why I am spacey...LOL.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


I was sitting tonight at 2nd grade cirriculum night. This is my second 2nd grade cirriculum night. That sounds so funny. I was sitting there, listening to the same silly jokes that the principal gives every year, every grade level, thinking, I have a sense of peace in my world.

Now, anyone who has been around me the last 11 days (yes, it has been 11 days since school started!), knows that I am a stressed out puppy. Stressed out, because today was the FIRST day Oldest made it to school on time (and with 3 minutes to spare---WHOOT!). He also got off of the bus at the proper time. What are the odds? Granted, it has been a LONG 11 anyone who is around me will attest. The worst part of starting a new school year? "Training" new special ed teachers, bus drivers and the like. Yes, it is Oldest much that I delay anything major for 1 1/2 months for a new school year and 3 for a new school. Trust me, I have had experience.

But tonight, I felt at peace. I don't really know why. I found out that Oldest is one of the few special needs kids who do homework regularly. I find this weird. I find it weird because Oldest is behind academically, why wouldn't a parent push their kid to do academics that they are behind in.

I totally understand, a lot of parents are dealing with a lot of things when it comes to autism. I go there 100 %. But, wouldn't you push your kids to do all that they can do?

For once this so far this year, I just feel at peace. I feel confident that we have a chance to have an amazing year. I think that Oldest is going to do great things, socially (we have a long way to go, so we can only go up!) and academically. I feel like Middle boy is going to shine this year. He's going to make great gains. And, youngest, well, he'll start pooping in the toilet (major), he'll make great gains socially, and best of all, academically. He's already asking, "Momma, what letter does my name start with? Does my name have a short sound? Does my name have a 'ck' sound?". WHOOT!

Maybe, we do have a chance this year :)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

First Follower!

I have my first official follower! Whoot!

First Official Week

Well, they have been in school a whole week (day six here we are!). Oldest still hasn't gotten to school on time (and he's getting home early, what's up with that?). Other than the bus issue (as I have aptly named it), things are pretty smooth. We have some other 'administrative issues' with the new teacher, but we are working on getting him to school (and home) on the right schedule first.

Oldest likes school (I guess, I haven't gotten any feedback from him or his teachers...note administrative issue), I think. His best friend is at his school it's cool...he has some other 'typical' friends there, so life is good.

Middle boy loves school. We've already had two homework assignments (one small one and we're still working on a big one!). Middle boy isn't in the 'groove', yet, but he is enjoying his friends....

Youngest loves his preschool. I should clarify, he loves his preschool's playground. And, if peeing in the potty is what he has to do to play there, he'll do that, too. Who would have thunk that would be the motivator for him. Today, he typed his name (all by himself, mind you) on the computer at school so he could play the Mickey Mouse game. Again, who would have thought. He also loves that his BFF is in his class.

So, life is major stresses...just 'bus issues'. And, through it all, my bp is low. So, that's a good thing (as Martha would say :)).

Friday, September 4, 2009

Too Cute!

As I was putting Youngest and Middle boy to bed (Oldest was finishing up his email)....they had a 'race' to see who would be first to be tucked in (this is actually funny because they race for everything and neither wants to go to bed). Youngest said he wanted to be 'first'. He had actually already tucked himself in and tucked in his Night time Pablo (from "The Backyardigans") and his "My First Elmo" (which I think was Oldest's originally and has survived all of the boys). Both of his 'friends' were neatly tucked in next to him. For once, I think that he was actually tired from a week of school!

First Week of School

This week was the first week of school. We had three days before the Labor Day weekend. So far, everyone loves their teachers and each has a good friend in each of their classes. This is good....that helps to make everyone want to go to school.

Some highlights: Oldest got to take his Disneyland photo album to school. They were talking about their summers and he shared with his friends. He also shared it with his teachers from last year. He made the photo book all by him self (The Hub supervised, but really didn't do much). Oldest picked the pictures, placed them in the album and typed the text.

Middle boy had the same teacher from last year and he has his BFF in his class. He told me he is sitting in between two girls (and then proceeds to blush profusely). He likes being in the same class. His homework from 'back to school' night was to put things that represented what he did during the summer....he took a map of California Adventure Park (next to Disneyland), Disneyland, the Fish Hatchery and goggles (he took swimming lessons).

Youngest is at the 'special education' preschool. So far, only the 'typical' kids are there. There are about 13 kids (so far, more next week of special needs kids) and he loves it. He has told me on the first day, "I didn't make paper, I made play doh" (he attends Papermaker preschool) and that on the second day, he made a "Hey, Diddle, Diddle" book and he told me, "I made paper!". He also used scissors (which they are working with him on) and today they read books about vegetables!

Today, The Hub took the day off. He helped me pick up Youngest and then we went to Who Songs and Larry's (we had a gift card so it was cheap!).

This morning, I got to see my Mom's Club friends for Mommy Time (for moms with kids who are in school) and yesterday, I walked with a friend of mine.

This has been a 'perfect' week (well, minus the bus problems).

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

First Day of School

I just got an email from Oldest's teacher....she said he was fine, timewise...okay, he was just outside my door when the bell should have rung.....and I saw the bus at 9:14 and it hadn't gotten to school....

Bumpy Start

Today was the first day of school and it's already gotten off to a bumpy start. It actually started yesterday with Oldest wanting to watch his favorite shows "Super Why" and "Sid the Science Kid" before school. I have reassured him that Iwill record them. Still, we've had lots of autism because it's a change in routine and a change in schools (they rebuilt the school, so it's the same school, but it is totally different).

This morning, things were fine (I even got a picture of all of them on the first day of school, which I don't think I have ever done!). Middle boy, Youngest and I went down to Middle boy's bus stop. He got on the bus fine (with the twins next door, all looking out for each other because there are not many kids at this bus stop this year). Youngest and I went down to our house to put Oldest on his bus at our house.

So, the three of us waited and waited and so forth. The bus did not come at the time that it was expected. I called my husband and asked, "at what time should I call transportation?" He suggested I wait ten minutes past the time.

During this time, Oldest, Youngest and I waited, took lots of pictures of each other and this time, Oldest's autism is kicking in and I am getting pacing and him saying "the bus needs to come, I need to go to my new school, then the bus will come and take me home" and "I need to go to school", over and over and over...gotta love autism anxiety).

So, I waited the ten minutes and then I called transportation.....the nice assistant (as opposed to the mean one who I tried to work out a compromise with last week) said, "oh, I'll call her", she does and she gets no, she tries response.....she tells me, "I don't know why she isn't at her bus, she doesn't have any wheelchair kids (she does)".....I told her 'well, we'll be here" and hang up.

So, at 9 a.m. when Oldest is supposed to be at school (the tardy bell has rung) and the little bus arrives at my house.......and she still has to pick up two more kids AFTER Oldest (obviously, this is not going well)...this is also 15 minutes after Youngest is supposed to be at his school. The poor bus driver is telling me she has had nightmares about this route for a week. She didn't think it would work. She was assured by the head of transportation that it would work (okay, that was minus children AND getting a wheelchair on and off a bus).

So, I then take Youngest to his school.....we show up and I take him to the potty (see note below) and his teacher says to me, "we were worried about you!" (I am worried about me and Youngest, too).

Youngest did a great job at school. He loves his new school. He told me "I didn't make paper, I made play doh!" (his school is called Papermaker Preschool). He sat nicely, listened to the teacher and they were thrilled with him. Whoot.

NOTE: Youngest started last Thursday peeing in the potty...I am a little more optimistic this time (this is about our third start to potty training and all have failed....). He really loves his new school's playground and I told him he can't stay there unless he goes pee in the potty. So far, so good. He is required to pee in the potty for this preschool...I guess better late than's a special education preschool, so they are used to pull-ups and such, but he really needs to be peeing in the potty at 4 1/2.