Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Youngest Sick Today

My youngest was sick today. Basically, he woke up at 1 a.m. this morning with more of his 'intestinal' bug. He was not feeling well at all this morning. In fact, after putting my other boys on their respective buses, youngest was very cranky and whiny. Not that I blame him. I would be, too. However, he was unusally cranky and I could tell that he was not feeling well.

So, it was another marathon of "Chicken Little" for him and I caught up on DWTS. Around what would be lunchtime, he got all cute and snuggly. We read book after book on my bed. I think I read the same story over and over. Then, he got into a "Pirates of the Caribbean' toy from McDonald's.

After the older boys got home, youngest got cranky again. I think he was getting tired and worn out. I don't blame him. We have a joke in our house that when youngest isn't happy, there is not anyone happy.

Good news is that he seems to be mended and ready (knock on wood) for school tomorrow.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Pizza Day!

Last Friday and today, I declared it "pizza day" (I am really tired by Friday and hubby has been out of town, so I have just order in). Today, we tried Domino's Pizza tracker. For those of you who don't know, it 'tracks' your pizza from order to delivery (it is like a horizontal chart with five steps: order taken; make; bake; box and delivery). You track it online. I knew oldest would love it (given his penchant for anything computer related), but I didn't realize how much fun middle boy and youngest would have. As soon as each section 'lit up' oldest and middle boy would read it (and jump up and down) and youngest was convinced that the 'pizza man' was here (even though our pies were in the oven, for example). I do not own stock in Domino's, but it is such a clever thing.

I am so smart

The past couple of days, I have been having trouble getting #1 and #2 to the bus stop. After helping them get dressed, I remind them that if they miss their buses, they are walking to school (I don't drive late boys). It seems to have worked, too (knock on wood). Oldest gets this "I am NOT walking to school" attitude and Middle boy gets a little freaked and tells me that 'it is a long" way to school'. Fear is a good thing. Obviously, I would drive them if they missed them.

Youngest Sick

Today, youngest was home sick. I won't gore you with the details, but let's just say it grossed me out (it takes a LOT to gross me out). He was running around happy, too (darn it).

Let's just say, I am having Mommy guilt. With him home sick, the first thing I think about is, "I can't do this, can't do that" today. That's okay. We are still above ground as I say. I did get to watch DWTS and half of "Grey's" so all is not lost. Youngest has been on a TMNT marathon. We're both happy.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Picture day!

Today was youngest's first picture day. He assures me he DID in fact smile (and showed me to prove it). The principal told me he did well (she knows me from last year when I had oldest and youngest there). It's interesting...I always said, "I will never send my kids in screened shirts and sweats for picture day', but what do I do? You guessed it.

On an unrelated topic, yesterday, hubby took youngest and I out to lunch (to Mcimins aka McMinimins). Youngest kept telling me all the way there, "It isn't Red Robin" (most of you probably know why...we have been going to RR for over a year now because oldest has been insisting to go there....we even have a special waitress who can keep up with the group). It's funny, because it is the noisiest restaurant on the planet, but it doesn't bother him.

Friday, September 19, 2008

First Grade

Somehow, this post disappeared.....

Middle boy started first grade this year. Being a good Mommy, I prepped him like I should (you'll be eating lunch at school and such). The first day of school, middle boy stepped off of the bus and said to me, "Mom, you didn't tell me I'd have MATH after lunch!". Guess I forgot that part.

More on picture day coming!

I forgot to mention that on the way home, I mentioned to youngest, "soon, you are going to have your picture taken...are you going to smile?" To which was promptly answered, "no, I not". So, don't expect smiley pictures from him....

Picture Day Coming!

It's that time of year when I gussy up the boys (all that means is I wash their hair the night before and make sure they have a haircut beforehand---no fancy clothes from these boys) and it is picture day at school. This is youngest's first 'official' school picture day.

Today in youngest's cubby, his teacher put the order form. As they were packing up, his teacher put the paper in his backpack. Youngest looked in his backpack and took it out and said, "This is not mine!" Teacher assured him that 'yes, it is for your mom". That seemed to placate youngest. He then walked out to the pick up area and told me, "Mom, I have something for you"' and would not move unless we sorted through his backpack (bear in mind that is backpack is full of books and toys and movies) and found the pieces of paper that were mine.

Speaking of junk in his backpack, one of the teachers said to him this morning, "Why don't you go through your backpack and take out toys you don't need?" (I am SURE this was directed at me, LOL). I assured her that we had already and he promptly put the stuff back. Unfortunately, his backpack no longer fits in the cubby area where they are for the first part of the day. His backpack is heavier than him and much bigger than him.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Yes, it is that time of year again when this Mommy searches high and low to find the 'perfect' costume for my persnickity boys. This is because I can't sew. Trust me, you don't want me to sew. All I will say about my sewing ability is that in the 8th grade, I took Home Economics. The cooking half of the semester I aced. Every Friday night, I would make something new (for extra credit nevertheless), I still remember making homemade Frangoes (where is that recipie?). The sewing half was a disaster. Let's just say the teacher gave me an "A" for a shirt (light blue, Brooke Shields pattern) that SHE sewed. She ripped what I did and sewed it herself (I am serious). I digress....you DON'T want me to sew your costume. Even when boys have patches to sew on their cub scout shirts, I take it to a seamstress...

I start around August asking the boys, "what do you want to be for Halloween?" so I can start scouring ebay (they are cheaper in August) and stores when they move back to school items out and move in the Halloween goodies.

Middle boy was the first, "I want to be Darth Vader" (he has also decided that next year, he is going to be Boba Fett and the following year, a Rex, the Clone Trooper, all following up to last year's Anakin...notice the trend....I hope I have that order correct or you know I will be in trouble!). By the way, I found a cheap, new Darth Vader. Middle boy has tried it on and he looks awesome!

Youngest boy, I had convinced that he was going to be Thomas the Train, like last year (I had plans for that money that I would be saving!), until he all of a sudden changed and told me, "I going to be Diego (from 'Go Diego Go!"). Fortunately, I found one cheap on ebay. I tried it on him and now he wears it as pajamas and will NOT wear anything else at night.

Now, I am on the search for a Wall-E for oldest boy. His costume is always the most difficult since he always wants a 'random' character. I have found it, but it isn't cheap. He will be totally cute as Wall-E...everytime youngest puts on Diego 'pajamas', oldest reminds me, "I want a Wall-E costume for Halloween".

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

About My Blog

Obviously, I have three boys. This blog is a way to keep friends and family updated on us. Frannkly, the saying, 'kids say the darnedest thing" was about my boys. My boys range in age from 3 to 8. My oldest has autism, but this blog isn't about autism, necessarily. I am not attempting to discuss autism, per se, but autism does play a huge role in my family's life.

I love being a stay at home mom, but I am the first to admit that it is not always a Martha Stewart life (in fact, my life is far from it). I am blessed to be able to stay home. I choose to stay home. Again, this is not about staying home versus being a working parent (which I think is even more challenging to me). This is mostly musings about our daily life. I live by the motto, "some days are diamonds and some days are stones" (yes, it is a bad country song).

I hope you enjoy it...again, it is not going to solve the world's issues, but frankly, it might give you a little slice into my world.

I am also not a technical person....I just learned how to upload a photo from my computer this week! So many people have enjoyed my emails, so now I am sharing them.