Thursday, September 16, 2010

New Jersey

My Oldest is learning about states and state capitals. This week, he is focusing on the North Eastern region. He seems to be 'clicking' with some sort of 'understanding' of the states and capitals. For today's worksheet, he kept answering "New Jersey". I haven't figured out why. I think he just can read it easily and has it memorized, but it's funny. I figure he'll be heading to the Jersey Shore to hang out with The Situation and Snooki. I figure he'll start telling me "GTL" (gym, tanning, laundry) pretty soon. Yes, I had to actually google that because I don't watch the show.

Coat Found and Other Thoughts

Well, I found the was at school all along. This is not uncommon of my Youngest. He seems to forget things. We call him our little Dory (from "Finding Nemo").

This morning, he was so funny...he asked me (as usual) what I dreamed about. I replied (as usual), "you and your brothers". Today, he said to me, "You should dream about pigs and stuff". Where the pigs and stuff is coming from, I am still not sure. I didn't know he liked pigs. I thought of him more of an "Ice Age" kind of guy.

Last night, Middle Dude had the "Scouter's Olympics" at the pack meeting. He got to shoot a marshmallow with a crossbow-marshmallow gun, shoot hoops, do the long jump, did sit ups/push ups and the bean bag toss. I don't have any pictures because he didn't really want any taken.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Lost Coat

We are now three days into the school year and so far, knock on wood, it's going well. Yesterday was Youngest's first 'full day" (which is really an early release day) of school (the district is doing this alternate Wednesday-which is really an early release day thing) to help save money. He came home really tired. I don't blame him. Getting used to school starting is hard for me (and I am a grown up). I have been falling asleep at 9 p.m.. I cancelled their swim lessons yesterday because, frankly, they are too tired.

Today, my Youngest got off of the bus without his coat. I have been trying to track it down since. He seems to not be able to remember where he left it. Could it be outside? Could it be inside? On the bus? Who knows. I am trying to find it.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

More Pictures from the First Day of School 2010

Because you can never have enough First Day of School pictures....the First one is the boys outside of our house, the second is Youngest waving (although, I don't think you can tell) while sitting next to Middle Dude and the third picture is waiting at the bus stop (Youngest is on the far right, then moving left, is Middle Dude and then Oldest is on the left....the two young ones are waiting for their bus and the Oldest and I have to go back to the house to catch his little bus).

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Addendum and the Other boys

Okay, I have to correct something to my previous Youngest son did not put an m and m on his gingerbread man for an eye. He put an m and m for a nose and raisins for eyes. Sorry for that :) And, I solved the mystery of why my Youngest son went to the office. It was to take the attendance book. Fortunately, his teacher thought the story was funny and my question "why did he go to the office, because he couldn't remember"....yes, she knows me really well, so I am sure she's chuckling right now at home.

My Oldest son got off the bus today and declared, "Mom, I had a GREAT day!". I am sure he did (or I'd probably get an email or phone call). I am sure he loved hanging out with Miss Karen. And, he got to share his goggles (he had to bring in something that represented something that he loves to do)....he loves to swim and I am sure he showed them "big arms".

My Middle son also had a good day. He said he took a five minute math side was addition, which he said he finished a hundred problems in five minutes and finished all but three on the subtraction side (I am thinking that is 97). He came home with homework and had to ask me how we derived his name. I sounded like the lamest Mom ever. "Your name came from my Ob's office...I saw another baby with your name and I loved your first name and your middle name is the male form of your Nana's name" (we named our two oldest sons' middle names after a family member, this theory got lost on our Youngest son, who got two new names as my husband was convinced we were having a girl, even though, we didn't find out, the technician was teasing him that it was a, we never talked about boy names). Personally, I love all of my boys' names, so it doesn't really matter.....and my middle son's first name means 'strong' (plus, it is Biblical and a traditional name). It was very apropos that he was 'named after my mom' because he is a lot like her in personality, looks and interests.

First day of School

I am back....Yes, it has been a long time since I blogged. So much has happened. But, like the first day of school, today is a new day. It is a new beginning to what will hopefully be a new, incredible year.

As you can tell from this picture, this is a picture of my Oldest and my Youngest. During this picture, my Middle son is trying to convince me to take a picture of just him and make it my wallpaper on my phone. More on the picture of all three of them later.

My Oldest son is starting fifth grade this fall. He'll be doing 'full inclusion', which means that he is spending more time in the fifth grade classroom. The goal is to only pull him out for Reading (which he'll do in the pod area), Math, Social Skills class and OT, all of which he'll do 'downstairs'. I think he can do it. I have confidence in the team and confidence that he'll be able to demonstrate how amazing he is.

My Middle Dude is starting the third grade, which is good because he told me second grade was WAY too easy. He has a great teacher and I am confident that he will be successful.

My Youngest dude is starting Kindergarten with the teacher that the others got. I have confidence that her patience and kindness will help him. He'll have pull out time for OT, since he is on an IEP for fine motor skills. He is already starting to read (not pre-reading, mind you, reading, reading).

Since I have only my Youngest Dude home, I can only comment on his day. I put him on the 'big bus' with my Middle son, which was so cute, although, I do believe my Middle son had an ulterior motive. Youngest waved to me with a huge smile on his face from the window and he looked so small. Too cute. He was sitting next to Middle Dude. He got to school and got to go watch a movie since it was raining. He couldn't remember the name of the movie. He then went to his kindergarten room, where he and a friend went to the office and hung out (I am assuming here that he took the attendance or something because he said he wasn't in trouble, but he didn't know why he was there, this is gotta understand). He decorated a gingerbread man after hearing the story. He only put on one m and m for an eye because he said he only wanted one eye. He then had recess outside with his new friends and he played on the play structure. He also did art, which to the best I can tell is using markers and a coloring page. He also read a story called, "Kindergarten is...."which he won't read to me until tomorrow, so I still don't know what Kindergarten is. I think that is the cliffhanger.

More later :)


Yes, I promise to be a better blogger. So much has gone on and I will try to add some tidbits as something reminds me of it....

Today was the boys' first day of school. My Oldest dude is in the fifth grade (with trying inclusion, nevertheless!), Middle Dude is in the third grade and Youngest is in kindergarten. Yes, as I joke, I have two upstairs and one downstairs at the school.

Well, since only my Youngest is home (and I haven't gotten the 'straight scoop' from him, fully, yet). He did declare that "I love kindergarten!" when he got off the bus, which was 20 minutes late, of course. He said that he and a friend had to go to the office and he hung out front of it (I still don't have the skinny on that). He said he wasn't in trouble, but he doesn't know why he was there. He said he decorated gingerbread men with one m and m eye. He also said he had art (which I think was a coloring page) and then he made a book "Kindergarten Is". He still hasn't read it to me, so I don't know what kindergarten is!

He was so cute this morning sitting on the big bus next to my Middle son, waving to me with a smile on his face. He said he liked the 'big bus' (He is used to the 'little bus'). He said he played with his new friends on the playground, but today, he saw a movie before school because it was raining. I tell you, that has worn me out just thinking of it.

More details to follow....