Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Vancouver Aquarium

As stop two on our aquarium tour (I think it will be renamed the "water tour"), we went up to Canada and spent two nights at the hotel, going to the Vancouver Aquarium in the middle. The boys love the hotel part of the stay. Having 'tried' out the hotel pool once, we decided it would consistently be 'broken'. This did not stop middle boy from telling me, "why would you stay at a hotel that has a broken pool? That doesn't make sense.". Leave it to him to question authority.

On the 31st, we went to the aquarium and the boys had a great time. The aquarium has belugas, dolphins, a rain forest type room and lots of interesting viewings of animals like sharks and turtles. One particular room, has an aquarium where the you can have a huge turtle swimming above you and sharks above you. That is a favorite.

Youngest and Oldest enjoyed the beluga show from below (much quieter), while middle boy enjoyed it from above. I think he was hoping to get 'splashed' in the "Splash Zone".

All in all, it was a fun day.

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