Saturday, April 11, 2009

Cub Scouts!

On Wednesday, oldest and I went to the cub scout meeting (as usual). This month's theme is "Jurassic Park", which I had hoped would pique his interest. We had the best time ever. Typically, cub scouts is very difficult for him. It is a very social activity and, obviously, he has low social skills. This time was different.

I don't know if he had the promise of seeing "Hannah Montana: The Movie" this weekend or if he was just really into cub scouts.

We started out cub scouts by doing a word search. Oldest and I worked on it together. Then, we listened to the leader discuss dinosaurs from the Jurassic period. Oldest listened quietly. They chose dinosaurs to write a report on a dinosaur. Initially we had chosen a Brachiosaurus. By random choice, we were given the Brachiosaurus. Then, he and I made a dinosaur slide for his scarf. I pounded out the slide and then we made an imprint of an 'egg head' dinosaur. We are letting it dry until the next cub scout meeting (when we will paint it). Finally, we colored 'dinosaur' eggs (Easter eggs).

Oldest didn't have any behavior problems, I didn't have to remind him to focus, it was an amazing cub scout meeting!

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