Tuesday, January 13, 2009

No Sleep for the Wicked and Other Tales From My Week

Last night, our downstairs toilet overflowed. Not a little bit, but a MAJOR overflow. Sewage everywhere. I was able to contain it, fortunately. However, hubby was unavailable. So, being the 'executive' that I am (LOL), I decided I will see if I can wait overnight and if it will go down.

This morning, I was awoken by my big monkey (at 4 a.m., mind you) by "MOMMA, the potty is FULL!". Realize for a moment, that oldest as autism and routines are important, so an interruption of the potty not being able to be used, is a little bit of a problem.

Now, I am grateful that the monkey can speak. There was a time when he couldn't, but not really at 4 a.m. because this meant I actually had to deal with an issue. I somehow coaxed the boy into my bed (which is taboo, but at 4 a.m., I didn't really care) and he fell asleep at 5:15, which wouldn't be so bad, that is UNLESS my alarm didn't go off at 5:25 a.m..

What was a little more difficult was that they couldn't use the bathroom that they typically get dressed in AND middle boy was 'afraid' of the darkness upstairs and refused to go without an escort and this went against oldest's routine.

All's well that ends well...they got off to school (dressed and all) fine.

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