Sunday, October 19, 2008

Middle boy growing up....

First, I must give you some background. Oldest boy is in cub scouts (primarily to help him with social skills with 'typical' kids), but we have found that cub scouts is a great organization and that middle boy would probably love it, too.

So, we signed up middle boy, too (so, now we have TWO boys in the same pack: oldest is a 'bear' and middle boy is a tiger cub). All I can say is that cub scouts is made for middle boy. He attended his first 'pack' (all levels of boys) meeting on Wednesday. He came home 'pumped' up for cub scouts. He is eager to earn as many badges as he can. If he could have slept with his tiger cub book, he would have (he took it to church today and read it during the service).

Yesterday was his first event. He and his den went to the World Forestry Center in Portland. They rode the MAX train in and visited the center. He had a blast. Afterwards, he went to lunch with his new friends (including a new friend in our development!). Then, he went to the cub scouts store and purchased his uniform.

Today, he went to our local Fred Meyer (a grocery store), suited up and sold popcorn (the fundraiser. I can't tell you how handsome he looked in his new uniform. I almost cried. He looked so grown up and handsome. He had a grin from ear to ear in his new uniform.

All we have heard for the past five days is, "how do I earn a patch?". He is so highly motivated to earn patches (I may be able to get him to do more chores for me, remember, a cub scout is a helper around the house!).

Oldest boy is also motivated. He saw middle boy in his uniform and really enjoyed it. This happened recently, when middle boy was learning the same stroke as oldest in swim lessons. It really motivated oldest to push himself a little further to achieve the goal.

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