Friday, October 29, 2010

Pumpkin Party!

Today was a busy day in our household. Middle Dude had a 'pirate party' because 'parties' are not allowed in schools, so they were kicking off their study of maps. I was unable to attend as I was in the kindergarten helping out with the pumpkin party.

The kindergarteners have been learning about pumpkins (the life cycle for example). Last week, we went to the local 'Roots Garden" to see how pumpkins grow (no field trip money to go to a big pumpkin patch anymore) and see seeds in action. Each group got to pick a pumpkin and this week, they measured them, weighed them and counted all of the seeds!

Today was all about fun. They decorated cookies (they had to 'buy' their decorations ie. m and ms or skittles with ten cents that they were allotted). The frosting and sprinkles were free (bargain basement, you know). The station I was in charge of they were making Pumpkin Potpourri: one scoop popcorn, two pumpkin candies, three candy corns, four raisins, five cheese crackers and six Cheetos (can you tell that I did this many, many times?). I had to dust off my 'teacher skills' and manage with another mom six kindergarteners. The final station was making pumpkin eyeglasses with the teacher. They also went over to the other kindergartener room and made pumpkin lanterns and listened to a story.

This picture was taken at the end of the party with little dude eating his Pumpkin Potpourri and cookie. It was a very fun (but a little exhausting) morning! I am definitely not in the teaching groove and need a little more practice....I did run into Oldest and his BFF...his BFF kept saying, 'it's Miss Katie, it's Miss Katie"...Oldest was just looking at me. Then, I asked, "are you two where you should be?" They then scurried upstairs....

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