Friday, October 23, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

Last weekend, we went to the pumpkin patch for our annual foray in the rain. We went to Pomoroy Farm, which is a local farm (I believe it is a 'working' farm). We went on the hayride, played games (not for prizes), looked at the animals (Youngest was fascinated by the roosters, Oldest by the pigs and sheep...all of them got to feed all of the animals) and got our own pumpkin. The boys also enjoyed pumpkin lane (think pumpkins/scarecrow wearing clothes).

Youngest picked out my pumpkin (a very petite one, but that is totally fine). Hub picked out a humongous one. Middle boy also picked out a big one and Oldest picked out a small one. Youngest was actually able to carry his pumpkin this year, which is cool.

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