Thursday, August 20, 2009

Field Trip Week

Because Oldest didn't have one of his classes this week, I decided to take the boys on a couple of field trips.

On Tuesday, I took them to the Zoo. Not only was it my first time taking the boys on a trip, but also it was the first time that we did not have a stroller. Youngest was insistent that he did not NEED a stroller.

Today, we went to the Fish Hatchery and the Bonneville Dam. The boys and I had a good time. They got to run around and look at the fish. We saw Herman the Sturgeon (who is a really big sturgeon!). We got to feed the fish (of course, in the process, Oldest got so excited that he threw his map into the water). Middle boy called it "an aquarium without the turtles".

One thing that is tough about here is that we are not near an aquarium. The closest one is three hours away (Newport) or four hours (Seattle). The boys love aquariums and they love watching fish. It calms Oldest.

As far as taking them by myself. It's so nice this age...I can talk to them about expected behavior and they can follow it. I can also ask them what they want to see and we can see it. Kind of nice :)

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