Friday, December 17, 2010

Christmas Cheer and Presentation Kudos

First of all, today was Oldest's big explorer presentation. He had to make a poster and give an oral presentation on his explorer, Sir Thomas Cavendish. Yesterday, he gave a practice presentation to the other special needs kids and today, he gave it to the "general education" kids. Totally a big deal, not just for him, but it also validates to his teachers that "yes" he can do the work of the typical kids. They worked really hard with him to help him with the poster and the presentation. I ran into his para pro and she said that she couldn't sleep last night she was so nervous. She said he did a great job and even answered three questions (what was the name of the ship he sailed, when was he born and one other). His general education teacher was so proud of him and said he spoke clearly and did a great job! Whoot!

Today was also Youngest's Santa's Workshop party. Typically, the kindergarteners do a "Christmas in Mexico", but due to time constraints (the Wednesday schedule and snow before Thanksgiving), they came up with the "Santa Workshop" theme.

He had six stations. He made a candy cane mouse. He played 'build a tree' math dice partner game (which I was assigned to monitor). He had a color word reading mini book patterned after "Brown Bear". He made a Santa apple. He played Bingo. He played another math dice game.

Again, I am tired after 'teaching' for a morning. What is wrong with me? I used to teach full days and be full of energy!

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