Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I have always liked the British way of saying it: con-tra-ve-sy. It always makes it so much better.

I know that usually, I post cute stuff about my boys, because, frankly, they are cute and do cute stuff.

My MOMS club just sent out an email....they are having a controversy about an activity in December: caroling at a nursing home. Seems uncontroversial. However, this is the age of H1N1 (aka Swine Flu). So, the controversy begins. Seems a mom wouldn't want to put her kids at risk for any germs. Okay, then don't go. Just last week, my pastor was talking about how many parishioners were requesting that instead of giving 'peace' (i.e. shaking hands and saying "peace be with you" during the service), that he stop doing that. My pastor, being the guy he is, said that he didn't want to do that. Why, you ask? Well, it is a germ factory. My pastor said that we can still do it, but not shake hands (or whatever you feel comfortable or not comfortable doing). For him, it was important, because it was mentioned in the Bible.

I think it is important during this time, that we all use reasonable caution. I, for example, did not go to church (since I go to the 'old people' service). I don't want to share a bug, but I also don't want to get another bug.

Being that we are in the 'high risk group' of people. Because Oldest's autism, his immune system is compromised and should he get the H1N1, he would most likely get it worse then 'usual'. So, we all need to exercise caution, not do things that we don't feel comfortable with and most of all, if we are sick, stay home. That doesn't mean going to weddings if you child is sick. We need to exercise 'reasonable' caution.

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