Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Valentine's Revisited

Since youngest was not at school last Thursday (when his preschool had their 'valentine's celebration'), he got his valentines today. This is the first year when he has really 'understood' valentine's day. Although, on the actual day, I asked him if he would be my valentine and he said, "Momma, I am not a card". Anyway, he went through each valentine and had me read it. Then, he counted lollipops and candy that he got. He got very excited with each one and said, "is that for ME?".

Monday, February 16, 2009

Friday the 13th!

The boys had a day off from school (a lovely four day weekend). On Friday, I decided to bake valentines cookies and finish up their valentines (to family members and each other). We had a lot of fun and the boys enjoyed picking out valentines.

For once (this was before the 13th), I am not in valentine hell. Valentine hell is when I am overwhelmed because the boys don't really help out doing their valentines and who ends up doing it? Moi. Middle boy got his valentines list really early, so he had his Star Wars valentines done by the beginning of February. Oldest got his two lists around the first part of February. This was the first year, when he got his Special Ed list, he wrote his name. He had so much fun picking out his Wall-E valentines for his friends (we had a little tougher time with his typical friends, but that is okay, we had a blast with the special ed class friends). Youngest got his list the last, but he sat down and he picked out each one individually and decided which Star Wars valentine his friends would get.


The other day, oldest was doing valentines for each other (ie. they were doing valentines for each other). Not only did oldest sign his name, but he also spelled and wrote his brothers' names correctly! WOWZA! Made me speechless!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Here We Go Again!

Next week, youngest will start Speech Therapy again. No, he doesn't have autism, he just has a little artic problem (ie. he has a Bronx or Jersey accent and is a little difficult to understand). I had non-IEP meetings a couple of weeks ago to discuss his speech and to discuss a possible sensory problem.

The end result is that they (the team) would recommend a little private speech therapy and the results of a sensory profile is that he has some sensory issues....nothing that prevents him from learning, but enough that they are aware of it.

For me, it's a 'here we go again' moment, even though most likely autism is not involved. More than one of the professionals has not noticed any sign of autism. However, I am reminded of all of the therapies, testing etc that we went through with oldest. In many ways, it makes me more determined to help families who are going through the process for the first time. That is why I try to help them and do whatever I can legislation-wise.

So, wish me luck, I have dealt with the pediatrician (to get a referral), the speech therapist, teachers and OT. Lord help me if I have to deal with the insurance company.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Not Much Goin' On

Hey, I'll take it that life is pretty quiet (trust me, my next week is Whacky!).

The interesting thing about my life is that sometimes I have to 'dangle the carrot'. You parents know what I am talking about. You set a goal, usually something that highly motivates your child about a week in advance and "dangle the carrot' in front of your child. I have had to do this the past two weeks with Oldest. He has wanted to go see "Paul Blart:Mall Cop" and "Hotel for Dogs". He has also had something going on in his brain. So, what do I do? "Dangle the carrot" (one movie per week) and remind him, get his teachers involved, etc. Not exactly my best parenting moment, but you know....