Thursday, February 15, 2018

State Send Off

So, today was the state send off for all sports. It was bittersweet. Bittersweet because it's a big chapter in Mr. B's life. Big. He loves it so much. It's always challenging. I see all of the kids and I think "wow" and I admire them and what they can do. I would have never guessed that the "jock' in the family would be Mr. B. He's not the fastest shark in the tank, but he swims with the most heart. His teammates enjoy him, help him, talk to him. They are good people. Some better than others. I always smile when MK, perhaps the best swimmer on the team, puts his arm around Mr. B and makes sure that Mr. B is included. It's just a nice gesture. A lot of kids 'don't understand Mr. B", but they prove 'just because you don't understand someone's unique needs, doesn't mean that you can't interact with them'. They may not interact a lot, but, to me, anything is a HUGE deal. My hope and wish is that they take that experience with Mr. B and then are kinder to someone else.