Sunday, May 24, 2009

"We Got To Go To Seattle!"

Last night, we were at a different Red Robin (becauase that is the only restaurant oldest goes to). Our Red Robin was closed because the water tank was broken. So, we went to the one at Cascade Station. It was fun, however, what's scary is that we knew the manager from the Mill Plain one. We also recognized a waitress. Scary...we've been going to RR way too many times!

Anyway, we got outside, with the boys holding the balloons and, of course, youngest let go of his accidently. Then, he said, "Mom, we have to go to Seattle and get my balloon!" (out of the clear blue sky, he said that, no coaching involved). Later, at bedtime, he said, "Mom, we have to go see Nana and Papa and get my balloon in Seattle!". Obviously, he loves them and knows they live in Seattle.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Special Olympics

Last weekend was the oldest's Special Olympics' regional competition. He was entered in three races. The first race was his specialty, the 25K Freestyle. Once again, he looked at the depth of the pool and had trouble racing. He was more focused on the depth of the pool than swimming.

Then he raced in the developmental assisted race. He had trouble because he is so used to swimming by himself. He also raced in the walk, where they walk across the pool. He couldn't figure it out and it was hard to explain it to him to just walk...he wanted to swim, swim, swim....

It still was successful. He learned about waiting his turn and that the swim lessons lead to 'something'.

Young Athletes

Young Athletes is a sub-division of "Special Olympics". My youngest had the opportunity to participate in this during his preschool time (he is in a special education preschool, but not counted as 'special needs").

It was so much fun. They had the 'opening ceremonies'. They walked around the gym to a music fanfare. Then, they went to different stations. The first station, he volunteered to go be the example and it was an obstacle course. They had to 'bunny hop' over a little bar and on numbers. Then, they went to a station where they had to throw balls over a net. Then, they went to a station that they had to hit a tennis type racket towards the wall. Then, they had to walk on stars (and then run on the stars). Finally, they went to a station that they had to play with scarves.

Youngest got a t-shirt, a gold medal and a snack. He really liked the shirt. He kept showing it to me.

When we walked back to the room and youngest said, "That was SO much fun, it was AWESOME!!!"

I am so glad I went and love the Special Olympics program.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Mommies, Muffins and Manicures

Today was Mommies, Muffins and Manicures with middle boy. When I went with oldest, it was different, in that he and I hung out together.

First thing, middle boy escorted me into the room and said, "will you come with me?". Then, he escorted me in and sat down. He then gave me a back rub. He then went and gave me a muffin and juice. Then, he gave me some lotion and a manicure (I got smart this year and brought my own nail polish). He then read a poem with his classmates and sang a song with his classmates.

Middle boy had been practicing his manners and painting finger nails. They practiced on a piece of paper. It was too cute.

Mommies, Muffins and Manicures is probably my favorite day because I get to spend time with my boys in their classes and also just one on one time. The whole time, middle boy was blushing. He enjoyed being the 'center of my attention'.